I happen to see a mallu movie 'Rithu' somedays back, n the theme of the movie was the same... Now beleieve me guys, its not the kindaa movie u see when u go 4 a google search on 'mallu movie'.. It was different.. So i think its betta to put it as a malayalam movie rather than a mallu one...lol.. Now lemme comeback... In the last two years, lotta things have changed... I have become more care free about life... They say, u becom serious wen u grow .. But in my case, its just the opposite... It was raining here in summer n it is hot n humid on a winter .. Its d same with me..i have become more unpreditable..It may be the same with most of you.. But who cares, rt...
Now dont get me wrong.. This is not a post on meteorology or seasons.. I was just tryin to do the simile, metaphor thing.. u kno...But times have changed.. I remember the day when my eyes lit up,when dad gifted me a Nokia 3310,some 5 years ago.. now i went 4 for a Nokia 5800 touch phone, jus because i w

Times have changed.. But there r many things that dont change with seasons.. Wheneva there is a call from any of ma old friends,i still feel the same old happiness... The neighbour's dog still barks at me.. I still love wakin up late.. I still prefer KFC chicken over idli sambar.I still love Mohanlal over Akshay kumar..wtf.. Many many more such things.....But do we purposefully forget those things which were on the top of our list once... Are all of us oppurtunists, one way or the other.. I am startin to get a bit philosophical.. So its time to stop ..lol
Afta writin this much, the same question still pertains.. Seasons change..Do we ??