"Ooo jaggu, u r crossin d limits!! u jus nw told that u r gonna write abt me..n nw u r tellin abt ur name n contact details out here" that was my comp.. I am a typical software engineer who nwadays type much more than what i speak daily...But unlike all others,who r fed up of this IT life n d life with computers.. I love my computer .. I am so fascinated with my work so much so that i can keep lookin at it for hours in office. Only wen my boss come over to ma place n ask me if i am dreamin, i stop starin at my comp n do some work.. lol
I don even like to shut down my pc wen i leave 4 d weekend.. I don want my dear comp to close her eyes so fast.. Due to which i end up payin a fine of Rs.100 every monday .. Yeaa,these r recession days dahlings..even if u r workin for the TATAs( like me) they wont spare u .. Cuttin down electricity bills, u c.. Nwadays they hav found a lotta ways to put a hole into our pockets..N i seriously feel that,computers r also like us.. So afta doin some hectic crap work in my comp, i watch some movies or play games in it.. Its not 4 me.. Its 4 my dear computer.. U c, i am nt a selfish person at all(atleast believe nw ,guys).. I keep aside all my imp wrk,jus to give some time 4 my pc to relax.. As u kno, all work n no play make miss laptop a dull gal..
I read somewhere, some kindaa stupid survey.. Around 72% of software professional,dont have time to spend time wit their families/friends.. I am sure that this survey is also like those stupid facebook quizes (Amith always end up a SRK or a hunk with n number crushes etc in those)..Nw u kno wat i mean, even if u don kno him.. I have lotta time to be in touch with my friends..Infact i talk wit mor no o ma friends thru ma comp daily..
" Hey enuf enuf!! u r startin to say non sense as usual,bt this time about me"..My comp is gettin angry, i think i shud stop nw bcos even tomo i need to move ma fingers on her...