MUMBAI meri jaan....Seems like a movie name rt ..'Mumbai meri jaan'...Nw no prizes for guessing what i am gonna write this time around..Yes u r all rt ,its about Mumbai . I don kno hw this happened, bt in the last 5 mnths there has been some kindaa affinity developin between me n Mumbai ,,,,,
wait a sec, i am nt gonna write a borin travelogue, relax guys...
'What d heck!!!!' I am sure this is the feelin some of u will b havin nw .' Hw can someone change his opinion like this'..Very true.. Bt infact, i don really kno why i hated mumbai in the first 2 mnths of mumbai life ...May be bcos the anger or dismay (of nt gettin a transfer to chennai was

eatin ma head, n this inturn caused me feel that way.. Nw that attempt 4 transfer is all done n i am qte happy with my life.....I started lookin at Mumbai, may be into mumbai .... N i cud find that i am gettin d same rare feeling ,while walkin thru d streets of mumbai, which i had after havin 5 - 6 shots of vodka. If u kno what i mean.. if nt .. its Extreme happiness
+ smethin else ,which i don know hw 2 describe....
Oh shit!! let me come 2 d topic... I don kno hw many people amng us r lucky enough to get Balu's weekly newsletter nwadays .I am fortunate enuf to get it anyway( come on guys ,,, i mean it ... i reaaaallly mean it .. he he). In that ,

balu had written abt many things... one of them was abt makin decisions .. Nw whats wrong with this guy,jaggu he is linkin 2 very different thingss....yeaa thts rt ,,,, I said this bcos, i made a very big decision .. nw whats dat decision , u will come 2 kno abt it ...
Mumbai, i prefer 2 call it as city of dreams or may be city of love or city of vision.. Bt these all are js nt the rt oneliner 4 Mumbai..Mumbai is the city of babes .. Yes i mean it ,,mumbai gals r awsome .. their attitude rocks ..reallyyy is it,if u ask me ... i don kno .. bt they r a treat to watch .. n nw Nithin kd wont deny this fact as he is a guy with lots of sneha-m nwadays......Everyothr day Prejoy used to go for joggin(nithin n me wanted to go after a single day of joggin ,i found out somethin, u cant do 2 things at d sametime-sleeping n running... so i chose to sleep..)N y was prejoy goin 4 joggin everyday at 6..simple 2 check the gals who came for joggin in d mornin ...N just nt becos he is as 'health concient' as Appu.. Nw this is an unknown fact -- like some people have fascination for cars,others bikes ,some others babes, for me babes n food, appu has this strange fascination for medicines.. Every mornin wen all of us check out the ads in the newspaper to find outt the so 'upto 50% off' in all clothes , appu quickly grabs d paper n check for such offers 4 antibiotics n starts complainin sayin 'dose people doesnt market antibiotics properly' etc etc... lol ,..... Its heard that appu is gonna write his autobiography soon with the title 'My experiments with antibiotics'.... What crap it....
Till d day i landed in mumbai i never knew radio was this much popular ..Bt nw i kno d imp of radio , if nt atleast in mumbai.....The headset has becom an inevitable part for an avg mumbaikar...N those RJs keep on sayin some 'big piece of shit' . R they radio jockeys or radio jockers.. Actually i shldnt generalise, there r good RJs n stations as well.... Wen i put d headset in my ears nw, i can hear' Jab jeeturaj bolte hai, aapka mumbai suntae hai' ... what is thaaaaattt nw .. whatever ,wat d f , who cares maaan...
N there r lots of wonderful historical monuments also in Mumbai like Gateway of India,elephanta cav

es,bandra fort,Jasjeet... he he ..I don kno hw many of u kno jasjeet, he is an unbelievable character ,believe me ,lots offf funnnnn...N didn i tell u abt ma office ,,itss sssoo coool,i am surely gonna post smethin abt office soon...
N if u ask me one thin i hate abt Mumbai..Yes its the traffic...its so irritatin n time consumin..
Lottsss more 2 write abt Mumbai ,may b in d future . Bt before i conclude , i wud like 2 relate Mumbai with a young lady..
She is halfdiscovered, half wild and naturally beautiful'.....