Damn..the same expression from me also..Appu jus saw this n asked "What happened ???". " No salary hike this year 4 us,dude..Do u know wat that means.."- me. " Oh come on..I knw this wud happen b4 itself",he tried to maintain a poker face. " Relax ,da..recession..its recession time"-he.

Awwh..I am tired of this word,can somebody tell me an alternate one,so that i can suggest it to my team. I keep hearing this word again n again n again.. This was some gud 2 weeks back..
Recession means a temporary decline in economic activity in oxford.But it means much mor to me nw.. It means that i have to shift our stay from powai(rent,18 k ) to Borivalli(rent 9k).It means that i have to gulp KF instead of carlsberg nw(4 non drinkers,these r 2 bears..lol).It means that i have to watch less movies a week . It means that i should feast on the dinner from office canteen,instead of fried chicken..It means i had to stay a week in thane hearin all those crap advices from sajith( i kno saj,u r readin this.lol)..The list goes on n on..
Speakin abt Prejoy, dude u redefined the word FRIENDS. I am gonna dedicate an entire post 4 u..wait 4 it..its comin.. Jus 2 weeks back..i was complainin to everyone around..Its all d same,we need some change,..Life is gettin mundane n more monotonous..N nw here we go,in jus 2 weeks ,everythin changed..Everythin around me has changed..Damn.. i didn want such a big change.But there is somethin in common..I was screwed up,nw n then,bt 4 diff reasons...

I know i am exaggeratin a bit..Bt u neva know..this mite happen in d future..N i read somewhere,recession is when ur neighbour loses his job.Depression is when u lose ur job.
Damn,, I need a beer..Oh its recession period..Gimme a glass of water,instead..