within me is telling .
Such things always happen to me.. But whats d big deal. .U complain that u have bad shoes until u c a man with no legs .. But still i can hear the "Loser" from within me..
N btw hw will i kick my friend's ass nw for 2-3 days ? Hw wil i run n jump into the plying bus? Hw will i run to see the cute neighbour nw ? It hurts .. it hurts .. Wtf ...when i look at the sky, i can see the moon shining in the dark night .. hey is he laughing at my plight or smiling, as Indian tricolour is on his body nw.. Hey u guys,lets be proud of this gr8 achievement by India..
All those apart,the biggest irony is that i am wearing a t-shirt that says 'Saturday night Full tight',doin nothin on a saturday night in mumbai..Loser!! Loser!! sleep is slowly piercing into my thots..I think i shd sleep..I think i shd pray b4 i sleep..
As it goes 'When the goin gets tough,the tough believes in God'...